Well, here we are in 2011. I've been seeing articles in the paper and online about how terrible 2010 was. I'm happy to say that 2010 was my best year yet in many ways. I left a job that was stressful and harmful to me, found a job that is enjoyable, saw my husband's play sell out every show, and watch my children grow as young adults. 2011 will be even better!
I usually don't have the typical list of new year's resolutions. I don't say things like, "going to lose 15 pounds, make more money, etc." That said, I do like to put an intention on a year. I've found that this really helps me keep my life in focus and affords a small benchmark for personal growth. For example, two years ago I decided to try to focus on family needs specifically. I made more regular contact with my sister in Florida, helped my kids whenever I could, and took my mom on her dream trip to Alaska. At the end of the year, I felt like I'd accomplished a few little things that made my family's world a little better. The next year, 2010, I decided that I needed to leave the abusive environment at my workplace. This was a scary one, since I ultimately was pushed to quit before I had another income source. Although we had to tighten our belts for a few (um, seven) months, I was able to re-center, get regular exercise, improve my mental and physical health, and eventually find a job that I really enjoy.
For 2011, I think that I'll practice not worrying, and its corroborative focus on wellness. For a few months last year I worked out 2 hours a day, six days a week. I was in great shape and it spurred me on to generally take care of myself. Then, I started my new job. Now, I really like my job. But, I'm feeling that old nemesis Stress creeping in around the edges. Less time at home, less time with my friends and husband, less exercise, high expectations, new job so I don't really know what I'm doing yet, you know. In 2011 I will set Stress aside and try to let the days unfold without worry. I'm struggling with the fact that I'm struggling to decide what decisions to make. Huh?
That said, I will try to employ a Buddhist detachment (oh, hey, look at how "monkeymind" I'm being, jumping all over the place...interesting) and just go with the flow. It's easy for me to become distracted by possible lifestyles and paths, wondering if I've made the right choices. This is a daily thing for me! While it's OK to question, sometimes it can get in the way, too. So, quit worrying and enjoy life.
Mental and physical wellness will be the order of the day for 2011. Wish me luck!