Sunday, September 19, 2010

Change of perspective

Reading the Sunday paper is always a mixed blessing for me.  I love the funnies, travel section, and local stories.  I don't love the endless woes in places both near and far.  There are troubles, environmental issues, children's futures to worry about.  Or, are there?

There is no doubt that life has its downside.  I've been there, and so have all of you.  I hear people upset about the state of the world, shouting that we must change it or everything will crash down upon us.  Well, of course things need to change.  But, couldn't we try to improve the world from a position of gratefulness and joy rather than fear?  What I'm saying is that, if we really enjoy what we have and appreciate it every day, we'll want to keep things that way.  Help them get better, even.  Can we really make the world a better place by hating how it is now?

I know that for myself, if I have a task that I dislike, something that makes me cringe to remember it needs doing, that I'm much more likely to procrastinate and do nothing than if it is something I enjoy.  The things I'm good at, happy about, and grateful for rise to the top of my to-do list every time.  It just stands to reason that bigger issues fall into the same pattern.

I propose that we all stop for a minute and think of all the things we're thankful for.  Things that make life worth living.  Then, let's see how we can make even more things for which to be grateful, and help others do the same.  Seems that approach is much more sustainable than being afraid and stressed. 

So, today, enjoy, thank, and spread the good word. Take everything good in this world and multiply it in your own small way.  Then, things will change!

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